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The Best Japanese Candy of 2020

Paulomi BarmanPaulomi Barman
Published Time
Posted on May 17, 2021
Modified Time
Updated last June 21, 2022

In spite of all the odds in 2020, Japan did not fail its candy lovers. Japan came out with some of the best candies in 2020.

Sugar rush! Yes, That's what we get when we think about candies. Candies are adored by children as well as adults. Japan is famous for its candies. Also, it is one of those nations that doesn't leave any stone unturned when it comes to experiments. Japan probably has done its best in experimenting with candies. Let's explore the world of candies which dominates the land of the rising sun. 

Japanese candies are of different textures, tastes and flavours. From fruity to minty, hard to soft, jelly to chewy you have them all. While in Tokyo, one might even get swayed away by the wide variety of candies, some of which are made exclusively for Japan. Some of these candies can even be considered as japanese snacks. In spite of all the odds in 2020, Japan did not fail its candy lovers. Some of the best candy flavours were released in 2020. Below is the list of the few of the best Japanese candies we saw in 2020.

Sakura Mochi Kit-Kat

Japanese Kit-Kats from Nestle has very specific flavors ranging from Matcha, Strawberry Cheesecake to Watermelon and even Wasabi. Soy Sauce Kit-Kat has been one of the most popular flavors. If you enter the convenience stores in Japan you will see a sea of kit-kat flavours on the racks. But the Sakura mochi flavour by the brand in 2020 was a special surprise for all the kit-kat lovers. Sakura mochi is a traditional japanese dessert eaten mainly during spring. The kit-kat comes in a beautiful cherry blossom inspired soft pink color. It has a floral flavour along with the kit-kat crunch that we all love. 

A bag of Sakura flavored Japanese Kit Kats

Otoko Ume Gummies

There are too many flavors of japanese gummies to count from in different conbini or depato  in Tokyo. Otoko Ume gummies are among one of the best candies that we tasted in 2020. Otoko Ume Gummies come in plum flavour. They have a strong tinge of salty and sour taste. These popular Japanese candies are made with delicious Japanese plum also known as Umeboshi. Unlike other gummies they are hard and crunchy.   

Japanese ume candy

Kanro Pure Gummy Grape
This is the second range of gummies that gained popularity in the COVID year. Pure has several different flavors with the most popular ones being Pure Muscat gummies, Pure Lemon gummies amongst other flavors. PURE gummies are heart shaped, and have a sweet & sour taste to them. But it gained popul;arity in 2020 with its grape candy. It has a sweet and sour taste. These candies also contain Vitamin C, collagen and grape juice in it. This one is also one of our favourite candies from 2020.

Japanese grape flavored gummies

The Popin’ Cookin’ DIY candy

One of the most unique of the concepts for candies in Japan is the DIY candy kits by Kracie. The kit consists of a food coloring and a powder, as well as a set of molds. Since the kit can have anything including icing or meat powder, you can also end up creating your own candy doughnut or candy chicken. It is totally edible and does not include any artificial coloring. One has to just mix the food coloring with water and the powder in the mold and a little mixing of everything in the kit, the candy is ready. The most popular among all the versions is the Popin’ cookin’ sushi set. One can easily create a sushi set from scratch just by combining all the ingredients in the kit. Once combined it actually looks like a sushi set. It also tastes pretty good as a candy. So, it is a must try for all.

A Japanese DIY Candy Kit

Fettuccine Gummy Candies

Another japanese gummy candy that we just couldn’t overlook. These gummies are pretty tasty too, and they also have a very distinctive texture. Having a similar sweet & sour composition with sour powder on top, it also comes in a variety of flavors, though the cola flavor is more popular among the people here. 

Various flavors of Japanese gummy candy

Matcha Green Tea Marshmallow

This is for all the Matcha lovers out there. If you love Match and marshmallow too then this is designed for your. The addition of matcha to marshmallow gives it a unique taste all together. There are several brands who came up with the Matcha marshmallow concept earlier too. One must try these unique green tea candy at least once.  

A bag of Japanese candy, hello kitty matcha flavored marshmallows

Kororo Gummy

These cube-shaped gummies by Kororo are sweet and made from real fruit flavour, mostly berries.  The candy is a mix of jelly, it is also quite chewy. The top layer of the gummy is just like the outer layer of the fruit. Once you peel it, you find the juicy jelly-like candy that gives you a strong real experience of a fruit juice. The most famous flavor is the grape flavour. It actually makes you feel like you are eating real grapes.


Japanese grape flavored gummies

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