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TokyoTreat | #POCKYFANTASY Winners Announced

Are you ready for the #POCKYFANTASY announcement?! Over the course of the contest, we received lots of awesome entries. We are wondering whether most of our subscribers are artist or not because the entries are adorably amazing. In short, those artsy drawings/designs from our subscribers make us drooling for those Pocky to be happened, not...

December 12, 2017

YumeTwins | #POKEPOUCH Winners Announced

Hello there! 😜😜 How is your journey to become the Pokemon master with #POKEPOUCH on your hand? We believe that all of you successfully overcome the challenges because you are also accompanied by the power of kawaii companions or even snacks, like shown from your entries. ✿♥‿♥✿ Now, we are ready to announce the winners...

December 11, 2017

YumeTwins | Nov 2017 Giveaway Winners (o^^)o

November giveaway winners announced! 🎈o(^^o) Hi there! Hope everything is well and kawaii as usual for y'all. └|゚ε゚|┐ ┌|゚з゚|┘ Today, we'd love to announce the winners of YumeTwins November giveaway. However, let's talk a little bit about November. This is one of our favorite month because in this month, we will celebrate Thanksgiving! "Wait, do...

November 21, 2017

YumeTwins | November Contest | #POKEPOUCH

Hi everyone! 👻👻👻 Time to become a Pokémon Master! For this month's photo challenge, snap a photo of your new kawaii Pokémon Mini-Pouch next to a few items that you'd take with you on your Pokémon adventure! It can be anything like snacks, kawaii toys, and of course Pokéballs! Take a photo and share it...

November 12, 2017

TokyoTreat | November Contest | #POCKYFANTASY

Hi TokyoTreat fam! 😁 We love this month’s Pocky Double Fromage and while sampling them, we got thinking… What other flavors can Pocky come up with? We bet you guys have some great ideas for future Pocky flavors/packagings! Why not get creative and share with us your ideas for the perfect Pocky in the form...

November 12, 2017

nomakenolife | November Contest | #NOVNMNL

Hello there! Hooked on nomakenolife yet? 🖤 Take a selfie with your favorite item from this month’s box + your nomakenolife box and share it on our social media to score cool and exciting prizes! Grand prize winner will receive: Plaza & Minipla limited edition Lululun face sheet mask set Maquillage dramatic mood veil highlighting...

November 12, 2017