Win A Japanese Kit Kat Box!
Hey there TokyoTreat fam! Did you know that this month marks TokyoTreat's 3rd anniversary? We have had a great three years sharing the love for all things Japanese candy and Japanese snacks related. One idea that many of the subscribers do our Japanese candy box have suggested is a Japanese Kit Kat box. So, to...

TokyoTreat | May 2018’s Theme – Anime Snack Attack
TokyoTreat May 2018 – Anime Snack Attack Are you ready?! To celebrate our 3rd Anniversary, we wanted to make a box that many members of our TokyoTreat Family kept asking for! So, get ready for a box full of fun! This month we have curated an Anime Snack Attack Japanese candy box for everyone. May's...

YumeTwins | May 2018’s Theme – Pom-Pom Sunshine
YumeTwins May 2018 – Pom-Pom Sunshine The sun is shining and the second character in our Sanrio kawaii plushies series is here to enjoy it! To celebrate the beautiful weather and warm sunshine, May's kawaii box theme is Pom-Pom Sunshine! This month's kawaii box will have another super huggable Sanrio plushie alongside completely practical items...

TokyoTreat | April 2018’s Theme – Easter Hunt
TokyoTreat April 2018 – Easter Hunt Konnichiwa everyone! April is a month full of spring loveliness as well as the popular Easter holiday. When people think of Easter, the Easter Bunny, egg hunts, and chocolate goodies come to mind! We took inspiration from this to curate a Japanese snack box full of sweet & savory...

YumeTwins | April 2018’s Theme – Easter Melody
YumeTwins April 2018 – Easter Melody Spring greetings! With the warm weather settling in, you know what this means? Bunnies are hopping around, birds are singing, and Easter is here! When we think of Easter, we think of the Easter Bunny, kawaii decorated eggs, and all the fun times coupled with laughter. With this happy...

YumeTwins | March 2018’s Theme – Shiba & Friends
YumeTwins March 2018 – Shiba & Friends Hello everyone! Spring is right away the corner and so we decided to celebrate the upcoming warm weather with a heartwarming kawaii box theme that fits perfectly with this year – the Year of the Dog! And, what dog is famous in Japan? Why, kawaii shibas of course!...