BIG News from TokyoTreat!
TokyoTreat has some huge news to share! We’ve had some major upgrades! This means more snacks, more mind-blowing Japanese flavors, more name brands, all for you!
Bon Odori: Five Breathtaking Events to Check Out!
Bon Odori Matsuri (Obon Festival) is a vibrant and inclusive event that unites people. Its mix of traditional dance, music, food, and games is a beautiful way to experience Japanese culture and honor the past.
Matsuri in the Summer: Five Unusual Ones to See!
Japan is famous for its limitless and exclusively creative ideas, including its annual natsu matsuri (summer festivals).
Anime Matsuri: Best Episodes to Watch!
Are you ready to dive into the colorful universe of anime and visit their matsuri episodes? Let’s explore which ones are the best!
Mikoshi: The Ultimate Guide to Japan’s Portable Shrines!
When you think of Japanese festivals, one word that should come to mind is mikoshi. These portable shrines are the heart of many Japanese celebrations, bringing communities together in a fun display of culture and tradition.
Ring Toss Game and Other Great Matsuri Activities!
Summer in Japan is bustling with traditional cultural festivals, fireworks shows, and incredibly vibrant natsu matsuri (summer festivals). Let’s explore some popular games you shouldn’t miss at any Japanese festival, starting with the ring toss game!