TokyoTreat September Photo Contest
Hopefully, by the time you are reading this, you have found our special present to you: an exclusive bonus item from our new and hot curation box, YumeTwins! To celebrate, we would like to offer our fun-loving and creative fans to snap a selfie with your YumeTwins item and share with us! The crazier, the...

What’s your Fanta Fantasy?
We’re a huge fan of Fanta! Who isn’t?? Fanta is a very popular soft drink worldwide and it is known for having innovative flavors in each country, which inspired us to create this Fanta Fantasy photo contest! What’s the craziest or most unique Fanta flavor you can come up with? Remember it doesn’t have to...

#AlpacaJourney Photo Contest!
We are super excited to bring cute Amuse Alpacasso Plushies to your YumeTwins and we're pleased to announce a special contest to go with it! Share the journeys with your Alpacasso plush by participating in our comic strip contest! Take photos of your Alpaca Plushie from August's box and turn them into a funny comic...

Mirai Suenaga and Danny Choo, who are they?
Since you all know what TokyoTreat's September box's theme is, we want to tell you more about Mirai Suenga and her creator, Danny Choo as promised in our last TokyoTreat post. Mirai Suenaga was originally created as a mascot for Danny Choo's website in 2007, but since then, has taken the world by a storm! She...

Harajuku Princess Contest
We think everyone should always feel like a princess! For July’s photo contest, we want to see what a wonderful time you have wearing your pretty Harajuku Princess Tiara while holding your YumeTwins box! Share your photo on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter using the hashtags #harajukuprincess and #yumetwins for a chance to win awesome prizes! One winner will be selected to...

Moko Moko Mokolet Contest!
It’s time to show the world how bizarre Japanese candies can be! This month’s challenge is about getting creative and taking a unique photo of your Moko Moko Mokolet Toilet Candy! Blow us away with your fun ideas and sense of humor! Upload as many photos as you like on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook using...