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TokyoTreat Japanese Snacks BlogGyukatsu: The Amazing Beef Cutlet!

Gyukatsu: The Amazing Beef Cutlet!

Savannah WalkerSavannah Walker
Published Time
Posted on 
June 13, 2024
Modified Time
Updated last 
June 28, 2024
A plate of gyukatsu with lettuce and miso sauce.

If you are a fan of Japanese cuisine, you have probably heard of tonkatsu, the delicious breaded pork cutlet! But have you ever tried its beefy cousin, gyukatsu? This mouthwatering dish is gaining popularity, and for good reason! Let’s dive into the world of this delicious food and see why it’s worth a try.

What is gyukatsu?

Gyukatsu is a Japanese dish consisting of breaded and deep-fried beef cutlets. The beef is usually cooked rare to retain its juiciness and tender texture. Generally, it comes with side dishes that complement the main star. This dish is often enjoyed by dipping each bite into flavorful sauces and sprinkling on seasonings, making for a delightful eating experience.

What’s the difference between gyukatsu and tonkatsu?

The primary difference between gyukatsu and tonkatsu is the type of meat used. Tonkatsu is made with pork, while gyukatsu uses beef. This difference in meat brings a distinct flavor to each dish. It tends to be more decadent and savory, while tonkatsu is milder and slightly sweeter.

A beef cutlet platter.
Gyukatsu usually comes with sauce and lettuce. Image via Shutterstock

The side dishes served with this meaty rice bowl also differ from those with tonkatsu. It usually comes with miso soup, a refreshing broth from fermented soybeans. The side dishes often include shredded cabbage, rice, pickles, and sometimes a potato salad. Additionally, these restaurants often serve chilled barley tea instead of the brown rice tea in tonkatsu places. This subtle change enhances the dining experience, making it unique, refreshing, and delicious!

Who came up with this dish?

This beef bowl is a relatively new addition to Japanese cuisine. Many believe it came from Tokyo, where chefs sought to create a beef version of the beloved tonkatsu. The idea was to offer something different yet familiar to those who love deep-fried cutlets. Over time, it gained popularity and spread to other parts of Japan, becoming a favorite among locals and tourists.

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Are there any gyukatsu restaurants I should try?

If you are eager to try this dish, you’re in luck! There are several renowned restaurants where you can savor this delicious beef cutlet. These establishments offer exceptional gyukatsu and a unique dining experience that complements the dish perfectly.

A slice of gyukatsu on a small grill.
It has a rich taste. Image via Shutterstock

Gyukatsu Motomura

One of the most famous restaurants for this dish is Gyukatsu Motomura. With locations in Tokyo and other major cities, Motomura is known for its perfectly cooked beef cutlets. The beef is crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, making every bite a delight. The restaurant also offers a variety of side dishes that complement the food perfectly, ensuring a satisfying meal.

Gyukatsu Iroha

Another great place to try is Gyukatsu Iroha. This restaurant offers a cozy atmosphere and delicious beef cutlets. The meat is tender and flavorful, and the side dishes are fresh and tasty. Gyukatsu Iroha also offers a selection of dipping sauces that flavor the beef cutlets.

Slices of gyukatsu on a grill.
Gyukatsu is usually cooked rare, so you can grill it to your liking! Image via Shutterstock

Gyukatsu Kyoto Katsugyu

If you find yourself in Kyoto, visit Gyukatsu Kyoto Katsugyu. This restaurant specializes in this delicious meat dish and offers a variety of options to suit different tastes. The beef is perfectly cooked, and the side dishes are carefully prepared to enhance the dining experience. Kyoto Katsugyu is a must-visit for food enthusiasts.

Why should I try beef cutlet?

There are many reasons to try gyukatsu, especially if you enjoy Japanese cuisine or beef dishes. Here are a few reasons why it is worth a try! The beef used offers a rich, savory flavor different from pork. The deep-frying process adds a crispy texture, making each bite a perfect combination of crunchy and juicy. 

A plate of gyukatsu and lettuce.
This dish was heavily inspired by tonkatsu. Image via Shutterstock

Dining at these restaurants is also a unique experience. The chilled barley tea, fresh side dishes, and tender beef cutlets make a memorable meal different from your usual options. Beef is also a good source of protein and essential nutrients like iron and zinc. It can be a delicious and nutritious addition to your diet when enjoyed in moderation.

Why should I try gyukatsu?

Gyukatsu is a fantastic and delicious dish that offers a new twist on traditional dishes like tonkatsu. With its rich flavor, crispy texture, and variety of side dishes, it’s no wonder it is becoming increasingly popular.

A plate of beef cutlet.
Have you ever had gyukatsu before? Image via Shutterstock

Whether you are a fan of Japanese cuisine or just looking to try something new, this is definitely worth a taste. Have you tried gyukatsu before? If so, what do you think? If not, are you excited to give it a try? Please comment below and let us know your thoughts or any new and similar restaurants you recommend!

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