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A rice bowl featuring Japanese niku (meat).
A rice bowl featuring Japanese niku (meat).

Niku Extravaganza: Great Meat Dishes to Enjoy!

James LauJames Lau
Published Time
Posted on August 23, 2024

Japan offers a rich culinary tradition that blends ancient flavors with modern twists, and its niku, or meat dishes, are no exception. From hearty stews to the sizzling flavors, Japanese cuisine has something to offer every meat lover. These dishes reflect the country’s history, creativity, and deep respect for quality ingredients.

When did people start eating meat in Japan?

People in Japan started eating meat more than 12 centuries ago, but the practice became highly restricted due to the influence of Buddhism. Before Buddhism, the Japanese diet included meat like venison and wild boar. However, the introduction of Buddhist teachings emphasized respect for life. As a result, the Emperor banned the consumption of certain meats during the farming season. Eventually, this practice expanded into a year-round taboo.

Grilling Japanese beef steak.
Meat became popular in Japan because of Western influence. Image via Shutterstock

More people in Japan began eating niku in the late 19th century. In 1872, the Meiji Emperor ate beef publicly, and the Japanese government encouraged meat consumption. This was part of a broader effort to adopt Western practices and strengthen the nation. Despite initial resistance, meat gradually became accepted in Japanese cuisine. By the early 20th century, meat dishes became popular, and today, meat is as much a part of Japanese cuisine as seafood.


Nikujaga is a comfort food featuring sliced beef, potatoes, and onions simmered in a sweet and savory soy sauce-based broth. Common in many Japanese households, nikujaga is cherished for its simple yet satisfying flavors. The beef absorbs the richness of the soy sauce, sugar, and mirin, while the potatoes and onions turn tender and flavorful. This dish is often served alongside steamed rice and miso soup.

A bowl of nikujaga (simmered meat and potatoes).
Nikujaga is a deep, savory potato flavor. Image via Shutterstock

Chefs in the Imperial Japanese Navy invented nikujaga in the late 19th century after drawing inspiration from Western stews, although some debate its exact place of origin. This dish stands out as one of the first Japanese fusion foods. Today, every family in Japan puts their own twist on nikujaga, adding ingredients like carrots or green beans. Many also include shirataki noodles in the dish!


Hamburg is a juicy hamburger steak served without a bun, often with rich sauce. Unlike the typical American burger, this dish features a blend of ground beef and pork mixed with onions, breadcrumbs, and seasonings, creating a tender and flavorful patty. Hamburg is typically served with a savory demi-glace or soy-based sauce alongside sides like steamed vegetables, rice, or mashed potatoes.

A plate of hamburg.
Hamburg is a popular dish at family restaurants in Japan. Image via Shutterstock

While hamburg may originate from Western cuisine, the Japanese have made it their own with variations such as adding cheese to the patty or topping it with a fried egg. It’s often featured in bento boxes, making it a convenient and tasty option for lunch, and it appeals to both children and adults. Hamburg is an excellent example of Japan’s embracing and adapting foreign dishes, creating something Japanese while retaining its roots.

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Gyudon is a dish consisting of thinly sliced beef and onions simmered in a mildly sweet soy sauce-based broth, served over a steaming bowl of rice. This dish is known for its simplicity and speed. As a result, it’s a popular choice for a quick meal at home or at one of Japan’s many gyudon chains. The beef becomes tender and rich with flavor as it absorbs the broth during cooking. Gyudon is often garnished with pickled ginger, green onions, or a soft-boiled egg.

A gyudon rice bowl.
Gyudon is a popular fast food. Image via Shutterstock

Despite its simplicity, gyudon is highly customizable, allowing for various toppings like cheese, kimchi, or even tofu for a vegetarian twist. It’s a staple in Japanese fast food, offering a nutritious meal that’s affordable and easy to prepare. Gyudon reflects some of the core principles of Japanese cuisine: a focus on quality ingredients, balanced flavors, and simple preparation.

Shabu Shabu

Shabu shabu is a hot pot dish where you quickly cook thin slices of beef or pork in a pot of boiling broth and dip them in various flavorful sauces before enjoying them. The name “shabu shabu” mimics the swishing sound created as you swirl the meat in the broth. People typically enjoy this dish with family or friends. Adding more ingredients like vegetables, tofu, and mushrooms to the pot makes the broth richer.

A shabu shabu hot pot featuring a lot of meat (niku).
Shabu shabu involves simmering meat and vegetables in a hotpot! Image via Shutterstock

In addition to the tender niku, the dipping sauces, usually a sesame-based sauce and a citrusy ponzu, enhance the dish’s flavors. Shabu Shabu can be customized with various ingredients, catering to various tastes and preferences. It’s especially popular in winter, as the hot broth and fresh ingredients provide warmth and comfort.


Jingisukan, named after the Mongolian leader Genghis Khan, is a unique dish where lamb or mutton is grilled on a dome-shaped skillet. The meat is often marinated in a savory sauce before being cooked with vegetables like bean sprouts, onions, and bell peppers. The dome-shaped grill allows the meat’s juices to flow, flavoring the vegetables below, creating a rich and savory dish.

Jingisukan Mongolian barbecue.
Jingisukan is Mongolian barbecue that features lamb. Image via Shutterstock

This dish is popular in Hokkaido, where it was created. Unlike other Japanese dishes that lean towards subtlety, Jingisukan is bold and satisfying, making it a favorite among meat lovers. The dish may be inspired by Mongolian cuisine, but it has been adapted into Japanese culture. Jingisukan undoubtedly offers an interactive dining experience that’s both unique and delicious.

Why should I try these Japanese niku dishes?

You should try these Japanese dishes because they offer delicious flavors that showcase Japan’s rich culinary heritage. Each dish, from nikujaga to shabu shabu, brings something unique. Their experiences highlight Japan’s ability to adapt and innovate while respecting traditional cooking methods.

Japanese-Korean barbecue grilling meat.
Which Japanese meat dish would you like to try the most? Image via Shutterstock

Additionally, these Japanese niku dishes are a great way to explore the fusion of Western and Japanese cuisines. Hamburg is a perfect example of how Japan has made a Western concept uniquely its own. Gyudon and Jingisukan offer flavorful meals that are ideal for casual dining and special occasions.

Overall, trying these dishes will satisfy your appetite and give you a deeper appreciation of Japan’s cuisine. Have you ever experienced any of these Japanese meat dishes? What did you think about them? Let us know in the comments below!

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