All About Ramune Candy and Why They’re Everywhere in Japan
If you haven’t heard of or tried ramune candy before, you’re missing out on a whole category of Japanese candy that’s a favorite for many. This popular Japanese candy can be found pretty much everywhere they sell food items in the country, you can usually find them in the aisle that has all the Japanese...
5 Delicious Ways You Can Enjoy Japanese Matcha
Matcha is a type of finely ground powder that is made from specially grown green tea leaves. It has such a distinct flavor to it that’s easy to love, and in fact, this love for matcha has spread from Japan to the rest of the world. Matcha has proven to be such a versatile ingredient,...
The Appetizing Japanese Snacks of Studio Ghibli
Studio Ghibli has created such an impact in the world of anime films. Their movies are often regarded as masterpieces by animation fans and critics alike, and throughout the years, they’ve created so many iconic places, stories, and characters. Studio Ghibli movies not only let viewers experience entertainment, but also a whole new atmosphere and...
Valentine’s Day Japan: Everything You Need to Know!
Valentine’s Day in Japan is very popular! From chocolate to flowers, there’s plenty to enjoy! There are even different types of chocolate depending on who you give them to! But why is it so popular, and what are the key differences between us and Japan on this special day? Let’s find out! What’s different about...
What is White Day? The Tradition of Gifting Japanese Chocolates
White Day is celebrated in Japan every year on March 14. It can be summarized as a day when men give gifts and chocolates to the women in their life, but there’s a whole lot more meaning behind it. To fully understand White Day (also written as ホワイトデー in Japanese), it’s important to take a...
The History Behind Japanese Kit Kats
Did you know that although Japanese Kit Kats, most widely known for their unique flavors, didn’t actually come from Japan – but instead originated from England? Almost 70 years after they were first made in the UK, Japan released the very first non-chocolate flavored Kit Kat and things were never the same again. Now, there’s...