TokyoTreat | October 2018’s Theme – Trick or TokyoTreat
TokyoTreat Candy Box October 2018 – Trick or TokyoTreat Double, double, toil and trouble! Last month we had an awesome night in, but this month it is time to get out and enjoy the festivities! Our theme this month is Trick or TokyoTreat! We love Halloween and so we definitely wanted to curate a box...
So Many Minion Japanese Snacks at Universal Studios Japan!
Universal Studios Japan is famous for all the fun Japanese snacks and candy that it offers throughout the year to all its customers who come to enjoy a day at the park. For our summer vacation, we went to visit this popular Japanese amusement park to see what all the fuss is about. We were...
Matcha S’mores Frappuccino Is A Thing In Japan And We Are All About It!
The Newest Frappuccino in Japan: Matcha S'mores Japan is always surprising the world with their unique ability to take flavors from abroad and fuse them with traditional flavors in a masterful way. Starbuck's Japan always releases new interesting flavors, like this pink wonder they released the other month, that keep Starbucks fans always excited to...
Celebrate August Pokémon Go Updates With Pokémon Soda!
Pokémon Go Adds New Pokémon, Shinies, and More! Pokémon is a constantly evolving series with tons of fun stores, cafes, and super kawaii merchandise being released. One of the most popular Pokémon items is the games, and in particular Pokémon Go! Speaking of which, have you seen all the recent updates and news coming out...
TokyoTreat | September 2018’s Theme – Movie Night
TokyoTreat Japanese Candy Box September 2018 – Movie Night Hey there TokyoTreat family! Did you all enjoy your sneaky, fruity Japan box from last month? This month, we are focusing on a more relaxing situation when you'd snack on tons of fun Japanese snacks! Movies! Who doesn't love to snack away on fun treats while...
YumeTwins | September 2018’s Theme – Staycation
YumeTwin's Kawaii Box September 2018 Theme – Staycation Okay, so we know school is starting back up and the summer is starting to fade away, but that doesn't mean we can't send this fun season out with a bang! Many people love to travel while the weather is good, and people in Japan love to...