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Food & Drink

A Tour Through the Regional Ramen Varieties of Japan

Source When it comes to Japanese cuisine, ramen is undoubtedly one of Japan’s most iconic dishes. From huge varieties of instant ramen to dedicated shops, these noodles are a classic staple. However, despite its traditional Japanese image, ramen originated in China, and is believed to have reached Japan sometime in the late 1800s.  The original...

January 04, 2021
Food & Drink

A Taste of Japanese Coffee Culture: From Vending Machines to the Perfect Pour Over

Craving a coffee? If you’re anything like billions of others around the world – chances are you’ve already had a cup or two before reading this headline.  Coffee is one of the most widely consumed drinks on the planet. With an uncanny ability to find its way into nearly every major culture around the world,...

December 18, 2020
Food & Drink

Starbucks Japan Celebrates Autumn With Seasonal Drinks for a Limited Time Only

Starbucks has really blown up in Japan since its first store arrived in Tokyo’s boogie shopping district, Ginza, all the way back in 1996. Since then, well over 1,000 other Starbucks stores have popped up all over the country – allowing Starbucks’ Japan branch to embrace its own unique identity and following. In fact, Japan...

October 20, 2020
Food & Drink

Five Japanese Festival Food Favorites

Source As this year’s extended rainy season has given way to the hot and balmy vibes of August in Tokyo, there’s still a lot of “new normals” that we have to adjust to. The sprawling, bustling summer matsuri festivals we look forward to every year may not be panning out the way we all hoped....

August 21, 2020
Food & Drink

5 Luxurious Japanese Fruit You Have to Try!

Are you a fruit fan? As much as we’re into snacking on Japanese fruits at the TokyoTreat office – some Japanese fruits can be so expensive! If you remember in Doraemon, Suneo likes to brag that he has eaten melon. No wonder, because a melon in Japan can often be sold for around 15,000 Yen...

August 21, 2020
Food & Drink

Top 5 Japanese Summer Street Food and Drinks! 

After a hot and humid day in the Japanese summer, there’s nothing quite like strolling around the city on a cool summer night with an empty belly!  Food trucks have become quite trendy the past few years in major cities all over the world, and while Tokyo’s street food scene is booming more than ever,...

July 14, 2020