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Awesome Starbucks Japan Drinks You Won’t Find Anywhere Else!
While Starbucks is a Seattle treasure, the coffee powerhouse has been beloved in Japan since it first set up shop 25 years ago. While at first they kept it simple, the chain soon took advantage of the Japanese obsession with seasonality and exclusivity. Nowadays, it’s not unusual for Starbucks to release new latte and Frappuccino...

Japanese Ice Cream Is a Sweet Summer Treat With Surprising Variety
From the summery sight of bright green matcha ice cream topping a crunchy cone to the bite-sized bliss of Japanese convenience store favorites like Pino, the list of exciting ice cream flavors and textures on offer in Japan is seemingly endless. Not only does ice cream in Japan come in a variety of forms and...

Japanese Chocolate Cake: An Easy To Make Cloud-Like Confection
In Japan, chiffon is one of the most popular kinds of cake, so when people think of chocolate cake here, they’re probably thinking of chocolate chiffon cake. Chiffon cake is like an extremely light sponge cake, but with less bounce and more of an airy texture. Recently, this delicate Japanese chocolate chiffon cake has gone...

TokyoTreat June 2021 Reviewer Contest Winners Announced!
TokyoTreat June 2021 Reviewer Contest Winners Announced!(^v^) Hey TokyoTreat Fam! How’s everyone doing these days? We sincerely hope you’re having a nice summer! Anyway, we’re here to announce the Reviewer Contest winners, so without further ado, let’s find out: Nina V Amber T Cecilia D Mark R Mark R Congratulations to all of the winners!...

TokyoTreat’s Ultimate Guide to Ramune!
Ramune, or Japanese lemonade, is something special. Not only is it fun to open but it also comes in plenty of unique and interesting flavors! Another nickname for ramune is marble soda because of the marble in its neck! Here at TokyoTreat, we’ve done extensive research on how awesome ramune is and its extensive history!...

How Do You Say Chocolate in Japanese?
Japan produces all kinds of delicious chocolate sweets from Pocky to Japanese Kit Kats. If you love Japanese chocolate, it’s useful to know how to say the word. So, how do you say chocolate in Japanese? Chocolate in Japanese is pronounced: “chyo-ko-rey-toe”. The word, like most foreign loan words in Japanese, is written using the...