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TokyoTreat August 2020 Giveaway Winners Announced!
TokyoTreat's August Giveaway Winners Announced Here! (^v^) Hey TokyoTreat fam! Winners for TokyoTreat FREE BOX GIVEAWAY of August have been chosen. Are you excited about this? We got 10 names listed below as usual, and let's see if your name is on the list! *drum rolls* Rianna P Maya E Autumn David E Paulo F...

TokyoTreat | October 2020 Theme – Hungry Hungry Halloween!
TokyoTreat’s Top 5 Spooky & Scary Anime To Watch This Halloween! Halloween is a spooktacular time to be alive (or undead)! With all the delicious candy, fun decorations and cool costumes, what’s not to love about the spookiest time of year! This year we might be having a tough time getting to Halloween parties, but...

5 Luxurious Japanese Fruit You Have to Try!
Are you a fruit fan? As much as we’re into snacking on Japanese fruits at the TokyoTreat office – some Japanese fruits can be so expensive! If you remember in Doraemon, Suneo likes to brag that he has eaten melon. No wonder, because a melon in Japan can often be sold for around 15,000 Yen...

Five Japanese Festival Food Favorites
Source As this year’s extended rainy season has given way to the hot and balmy vibes of August in Tokyo, there’s still a lot of “new normals” that we have to adjust to. The sprawling, bustling summer matsuri festivals we look forward to every year may not be panning out the way we all hoped....

TokyoTreat July 2020 Giveaway Winners Announced!
TokyoTreat's July Giveaway Winners Announced Here! (^v^) Hey TokyoTreat fam! Winners for TokyoTreat FREE BOX GIVEAWAY of July have been chosen. Are you excited about this? We got 10 names listed below as usual, and let's see if your name is on the list! *drum rolls* Mehtap A Jessica R Cat M Kiara W Kristi...

TokyoTreat | September 2020 Theme – Time Travel Treats!
The History of Sushi – The Japanese Fast Food That Stood The Test Of Time! We love sushi! It’s a Japanese fast food that is craved worldwide! But it has a surprisingly long history. Where does it come from and how exactly did it take off? Grab your soy sauce and wasabi – It’s time...