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How Do You Say Chocolate in Japanese?

Japan produces all kinds of delicious chocolate sweets from Pocky to Japanese Kit Kats. If you love Japanese chocolate, it’s useful to know how to say the word. So, how do you say chocolate in Japanese? Chocolate in Japanese is pronounced: “chyo-ko-rey-toe”. The word, like most foreign loan words in Japanese, is written using the...

June 30, 2021
A woman eating potato chips and laughing while watching a cooking anime.

Cooking Anime: 10 Best Shows To Watch While Munching!

You’ll love these 10 cooking anime series if you love delicious food. The only drawback? You’re sure to be hungry after watching it!

June 14, 2021
An Asian couple laying on the bed, facing each other, surrounded by hearts.

Valentine’s Day Japan: Everything You Need to Know!

Why is Valentine’s Day so popular, and what are the key differences between Japan and the West on this special day? Let’s find out!

January 22, 2021

What is White Day? The Tradition of Gifting Japanese Chocolates

White Day is celebrated in Japan every year on March 14. It can be summarized as a day when men give gifts and chocolates to the women in their life, but there’s a whole lot more meaning behind it. To fully understand White Day (also written as ホワイトデー in Japanese), it’s important to take a...

January 19, 2021

The History Behind Japanese Kit Kats

Did you know that although Japanese Kit Kats, most widely known for their unique flavors,  didn’t actually come from Japan – but instead originated from England? Almost 70 years after they were first made in the UK, Japan released the very first non-chocolate flavored Kit Kat and things were never the same again. Now, there’s...

January 15, 2021

Halloween in Japan: Disney, dressing up & partying!

Editor's note: This blog post originally appeared August 28th, 2018 and has since been updated. Summer isn't even over before the first Halloween related items start popping up in stores in Japan! Throughout September and October most stores will sell limited edition Halloween snacks and Japanese candy, costumes, decorations and more! Halloween is also a...

September 18, 2020