Japanese Chocolate: The 10 Most Famous Brands!
It’s no secret that some of the best chocolate sweets come from Japan. You might have tasted chocolates from all these brands if you’re a huge chocolate fan! Here are the top 10 Japanese chocolate brands in the country!

How to Make Taiyaki at Home
Taiyaki are the popular fish-shaped Japanese sweets you may have seen in anime, at Japanese festivals or on Japanese Instagram pages. Because you can hold them in one hand and take them on the go, they are one the most popular Japanese street foods sold at stands and food trucks all over Japan. A taiyaki’s...

Japanese Chocolate Cake: An Easy To Make Cloud-Like Confection
In Japan, chiffon is one of the most popular kinds of cake, so when people think of chocolate cake here, they’re probably thinking of chocolate chiffon cake. Chiffon cake is like an extremely light sponge cake, but with less bounce and more of an airy texture. Recently, this delicate Japanese chocolate chiffon cake has gone...

How Do You Say Chocolate in Japanese?
Japan produces all kinds of delicious chocolate sweets from Pocky to Japanese Kit Kats. If you love Japanese chocolate, it’s useful to know how to say the word. So, how do you say chocolate in Japanese? Chocolate in Japanese is pronounced: “chyo-ko-rey-toe”. The word, like most foreign loan words in Japanese, is written using the...

Pocky Flavors: 10 Classic and Crazy Pocky You Need To Try
You probably already know about Japanese Kit Kat’s vast array of flavors, but Pocky comes in many delicious flavors too. From tried and true classics to Japan-exclusive, to so crazy you have to wonder (whisky Pocky anyone?), these are the 10 best Pocky types for you to try! These first 6 flavors have withstood the...

Ruby Chocolate: The Pink Cacao Sensation That Took Over Japan
You've heard about dark, milk and white chocolate. But what about ruby chocolate? When it first came out, this pink chocolate became an instant hit. Especially in Japan, where suddenly everything in the sweets aisle seemed to take on a rose hue. How did this chocolate sensation start? And where is it going? Let’s find...